The EPA is closely involved in the South Australian planning system through the assessment of potential environmental issues associated with development.
The EPA has also provided comments on proposed changes to South Australia’s Planning Strategy and development plans, and assessing or advising on development applications.
Furthermore, it prepares position statements and guidelines to help local government planners, developers, consultants, and the community to better understand the EPA’s position on air quality, noise, radiation, waste, wastewater, and water quality in the context of the state’s planning system.
EPA Chief Executive Tony Circelli said the position statements and guidelines assist those preparing planning documents to understand how the environment can be safeguarded within planning strategy and policy guidelines documents.
“The EPA is working to provide clarity to planners, developers, consultants and the community on our expectations of how the environment can be best protected when development is being undertaken,” he said.
“We work with the planning and development communities to ensure ongoing care of our environment and human health whilst supporting economic growth and job creation in South Australia”.
Mr Circelli said the EPA’s planning staff can be contacted to discuss the EPA’s expectations on environmental protection for any proposed planning policy matter or development.
Information about the EPA’s role on position statements and guidelines in the planning system and contact details for environmental planners, are available on the EPA website.