Sources & references
202020 Vision: collaboration to make our urban areas 20% greener by 2020
Alinta Energy: Reeves Plains Power Station Proposal
Australia State of the Environment Report 2016: Climate – Trends in emissions
Australian Academy of Science: How has climate changed?
Australian Academy of Science: The science of climate change
Australian Academy of Science: The science of climate change – Questions and answers
Australian Capital Territory Government: Renewable Energy
Australian Energy Market Operator: Generation information page
Australian Energy Market Operator: Integrated System Plan Consultation
Australian Energy Market Operator: National Electricity Market (NEM) planning and forecasting
Australian Energy Market Operator: South Australia
Australian Energy Market Operator: South Australian Historical Market Information Report 2017
Australian Energy Market Operator: South Australian Renewable Energy Report 2017
Bureau of Meteorology: Indian Ocean influences on Australian climate – Understanding the IOD
Bureau of Meteorology: Subtropical ridge leaves us high and dry this June
Bureau of Meteorology: What is El Niño and what might it mean for Australia
Clean Energy Regulator: Large-scale Renewable Energy Target market data
Climate Change in Australia: Projections for Australia's NRM regions
Climate Change in Australia: Projections for Australia's NRM regions technical report
Climate Council: Be prepared – Climate change and the SA bushfire threat
Climate Council: Cranking up the intensity – Climate change and extreme weather events
Climate Council: Critical Decade 2013 – Climate change science, risks and responses
Climate Council: Critical Decade 2017 – Accelerating climate action
CSIRO: Cape Grim greenhouse gas data
CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology: State of the Climate 2016
Department for Energy and Mining: The facts – about offshore oil and gas in South Australia
Department for Environment and Water: Adapting to climate change
Department of the Environment and Energy: A better energy future for Australia
Department of the Environment and Energy: Australia's 2030 climate change target
Department of the Environment and Energy: Climate change impacts in Australia
Department of the Environment and Energy: Emissions Reduction Fund
Department of the Environment and Energy: State and Territory Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2016
Department of the Environment and Energy: The Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme
Garnaut Review: Projecting Australian climate change
Gasser T et al (Nature): Negative emissions physically needed to keep global warming below 2°C
Government of South Australia: Trend and Condition Report Cards 2018
Government of South Australia: South Australia's virtual power plant
Goyder Institute for Water Research: Climate change
Heffernan O (Nature): The mystery of the expanding tropics
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Climate Change 2014 – Mitigation of climate change
International Maritime Organization: Greenhouse gas emissions
Joughlin I & RB Alley (Nature): Stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet in a warming world
Marine Traffic: Online real-time ship movement map
National Centers for Environmental Information: Global Climate Report 2017
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility: National Adaptation Research Plans
New Zealand Productivity Commission: Getting to zero – Challenging but achievable
Renewal SA: Port Adelaide seawater stormwater flooding study
Reputex Energy: The Energy Trilemma – A cost curve for abatement and energy storage in Australia
Ross Garnaut: South Australian Government Climate Change and Energy Summit
Statista: Energy related carbon dioxide emissions worldwide
The Australian Climate Change Science Programme: Australia's changing climate
The Australia Institute: National Energy Emissions Audit
UK Meteorological Office: Our changing world – global indicators
United National Environment Program (UNEP): The Emissions Gap Report 2017
World Health Organization (WHO): Climate change and health
World Meteorology Organization: Greenhouse Gas Bulletin 2017
World Resources Institute: Introducing Climate Watch
World Resources Institute: Understanding the ‘emissions gap’ in 5 charts