Site contamination index
The online site contamination index provides a list of sites in South Australia for which the EPA holds information recorded in the public register. You can search the index by suburb or town, or by selecting the type of information you have an interest in.
The information includes an EPA reference number, type of record/s, site address and any recorded potentially contaminating activity. This is not an exhaustive list.
To obtain information listed on the index, please contact by phone 8204 2004 or 1800 623 445 (freecall for country users), or email. For assistance in interpreting reports available with regard to site contamination, please contact the Site Contamination Branch.
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Types of records available
The Environment Protection Act 1993 (EP Act) and Environment Protection Regulations 2009 (EP Regulations) governs what information the EPA must record in the public register. For site contamination:
- details of serious or material environmental harm caused or threatened in the course of an activity that come to the notice of the Authority
- section 83A notifications
- section 103E transfers of liability
- section 103I voluntary site contamination assessment proposals
- section 103K voluntary site remediation proposals
- section 103Z notifications of commencement or termination of site contamination audits
- section 103Z site contamination audit reports
- reports of the former South Australian Health Commission (SAHC reports)
- pre-1 July 2009 site audit commencement and termination notifications
- pre-1 July 2009 site audit reports.
What is a SAHC report?
A report known as a Health Commission (SAHC) Report is a report prepared by or on behalf of the South Australian Health Commission (under the repealed South Australian Health Commission Act 1976). SAHC reports were completed up to the end of 1995 when the EPA endorsed the use of environmental auditors (contaminated land) appointed by the Victorian EPA.
What is a pre-1 July 2009 site audit commencement or termination notification?
In South Australia, between October 1995 and the audit system coming into operation in 2009, the EPA endorsed the use of environmental auditors (contaminated land) appointed by the Victorian EPA. A pre 1-July 2009 site audit commencement notification (by a person recognised as an environmental auditor) is a notification of the start of a site audit. A pre 1-July 2009 site audit termination notification (by a person recognised as an environmental auditor) is a notification of the end of a site audit prior to completion and the preparation of a site audit report. They are not site contamination notifications by an EPA accredited site contamination auditor under the EP Act.
What is a pre-1 July 2009 site audit report?
In South Australia, between October 1995 and the audit system coming into operation in July 2009, the EPA endorsed the use of environmental auditors (contaminated land) appointed by the Victorian EPA. A site audit report completed before 1 July 2009 is a review (carried out by a person recognised as an environmental auditor) that examines environmental assessments or remediation of the land for purposes of determining the suitability of the land for a particular use. It is not a site contamination audit report completed by an EPA accredited site contamination auditor under the EP Act.
Do I need to check the currency of audit reports and audit statements?
Yes. Reports are based on the condition of the site and the information reviewed at the time they are completed. They do not represent any changes that may have occurred to the condition of the site since the date of the report completion.
Anyone relying on reports is advised to check the currency and details of the documents. If unsure of the currency you can contact the Site Contamination Branch for advice (see 'Further information' below). An audit Statement is a statutory summary of a site contamination audit report.
How regularly is the site contamination index on the website updated?
The index will be updated on a monthly basis with the date of currency published above the search bar.
How do I find information on a specific property?
Any person can make an enquiry under upon payment of a fee about reports the EPA holds in relation to a specific property.
Please contact the EPA Section 7 team on (08) 8204 2026 or email.
Further information