Boral - Stonyfell Quarry
The quarry operated by Boral at Stonyfell is one of the oldest in the state, and was first regulated by the Department of Mines in 1837. Stone from this quarry played a major role in the construction of Adelaide’s first road and rail infrastructure, and the quarry is an important state resource today – producing road base, aggregates and washed sands for concrete manufacturing.
Boral has been recycling its own concrete material at the Stonyfell site for some time. The EPA licenses activities of environmental significance and monitors water, air and noise pollution. While this activity has no adverse environmental impact, it needed to be included on Boral’s EPA authorisation and an application was made to include this activity on the licence.
The application has been considered by the EPA, having regard for community feedback and a licence was issued to Boral on 28 August 2018. The EPA has placed a condition that Boral is able to receive only the concrete waste originating from Boral’s own operations – conditions S-33 and S-1041 relate to waste receipt.
Boral has in the past received pond sediment from Burnside Council which meets the definition of clean fill and does not require a licence. This is not part of Boral’s operations but is to assist Burnside Council and has been used for revegetation and rehabilitation programs in the past.