Reporting pollution
To report an environmental or pollution incident please contact our 24/7 hotline on (08) 8204 2004 or send a report via YourEPA.
For non-urgent enquiries you can also send an email.
Report these incidents to the EPA
- All pollution incidents relating to an EPA-licensed site
- Air quality nuisance – dust and odour
- Major environmental incidents requiring an emergency response
- Large-scale illegal dumping of commercial and industrial wastes
- Radiation incidents
- Banned single-use plastic items
Note: Minor neighbourhood nuisance issues, kerbside rubbish and litter remains the responsibility of local government and should be reported to the council.
It is always best to report an environmental concern to someone. If you are unsure who is best to investigate your concern, contact the EPA or your council, and they will be able to direct you to the appropriate authority. You can also check for the relevant organisation to contact.
What will be recorded
Details of each incident will be recorded on the EPA database for future reference. All complaints and reports will require the following information:
- name, address and daytime telephone number of person making the report
- incident details (please indicate if the incident is still occurring at the time this notification is lodged)
- date and time of incident
- details of source of pollution such as business name, address, etc
- location of incident (if not the same as address).
Please note the caller's details are confidential to the EPA unless the caller specifies otherwise. The EPA may not investigate anonymous notifications.