The Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators NeTwork (AELERT) is a well-respected and internationally recognised professional network for environmental regulators across Australia and New Zealand.
The AELERT Steering Committee was held in Sydney last month where EPA Chief Executive Tony Circelli formally announced his retirement as Chair after three years in the role but remains a member of the Executive Committee.
“I will continue as Chair until October 2017 to facilitate the transition of AELERT’s governance and forward work priorities at which time, Mark Gifford (Chief Regulator, NSW EPA) will formally take over this role,” Mr Circelli said.
During his term as Chair AELERT experienced substantial growth to its network in addition to the development of best practice approaches in key areas such as emergency response, better regulation and communications and engagement.
“One of AELERT’s key focus areas this year was to deliver a series of cost-effective and easily accessible professional development opportunities to members while continuing to add valuable operational resources to the AELERT website,” Mr Circelli said.
Tony has also recently been appointed to the Board of CRC Care, as representative of the Heads of Environment Protection Authorities (HEPA).
CRC CARE an independent organisation which is regarded nationally and worldwide as a leading innovative research organisation that performs research, develops technologies and provides policy guidance for assessing, cleaning up and preventing contamination of soil, water and air.